


Beutiful handknit wool/silk-stockings
The window display showing more stockings and delicate laced handkerchieves
Strikkebøker kan man aldri få for mange av, men alle er ikke like bra. Denne kom fra Hobbyglede og er sånn midt på treet - ikke kjempespennende, men noen fine plagg og detaljer innimellom.
You can never have too many knitting books... this one is average - not very exciting or sensational, but some nice garments and details are presented.
Det ikke lenger så nye magasinet fra Rowan fant endelig veien til Norge - mye av innholdet var kjent fra blogger i andre deler av verden - men en skikkelig godbit å kose seg med i sofaen likevel (pledd, tekopp og sjokolade øker nytelsen)!
The latest Rowan Magazine finally found its way to Norway - parts of the content has been written about/shown on various blogs world wide, but it is still a treat! Sofa, blanket, cup of tea, chocolate - and Rowan Magazine...
Til slutt kan jeg endelig legge ut et bilde av denne lua, som ble resultatet av det hemmelige fletteprosjektet jeg holdt på med på sensommeren. Den var en gave til min svigerfar som fylte 50 år mens vi alle var på ferie. Lua er strikket av 100 g. Silketweed fra Garnstudio. En pussig gave å trekke fram på et sted med nærmere 30 varmegrader, men mottakeren ble glad og fornøyd. Moro å strikke lue til noen som faktisk liker å bruke lue! Jeg vet ikke om han noensinne leser denne bloggen (så kanskje det ikke var nødvendig med dette hemmelighetskremmeriet!) - men jeg sier det en gang til: Gratulerer med dagen!
Finally! Here is a photo of the finished Secret Cable-project! As you can see, it ended up as a hat. It was a gift for my father in law who turned 50 while we were all away on holiday. The yarn is 100 g. of Garnstudios Silk tweed. a bit of a funny thing to give away when you are in a sun/beach-setting, but the recipient was happy. It´s fun to knit hats for people who actually likes wearing them! I don´t know if my father in law ever reads this blog (which means my efforts to keep the hat secret on the blog was wasted...) but I say it again anyway: Congratulations!
Yesterday I returned from my two weeks in Puerto de Sollér, Mallorca. Two large bags of mail were waiting for me, and among mountains of newspapers, bills etc. I dug out several goodies! A wonderful gift from my Secret Pal was one of them... Photos will be posted in a couple of days. It was wonderful to arrive at Oslo Airport Gardermoen yesterday with the sun shining from a clear blue sky - weatherwise the contrast from Mallorca wasn´t too bad. But today I have no choice but realise the fact: autumn is on it´s way! I better start making a list of the seasons positive sides:
Så et svar til Garnlusa: Neida, blokkingen har ikke forandret fargen på Brancing Out det aller minste - men lysforholdene under fotograferingen er nok varierende. Det er også mine evner som fotograf ;o)
Then an answer for Garnlusa: No, the colour of Branching Out has not changed during blocking - but the different photos reproduce the colour differently depending on the light and of course on my shortcomings as a photographer ;o)
Og nå.... noen bittesmå bilder av stedet jeg skal oppholde meg de nærmeste to ukene... Byr det seg en mulighet til å blogge der jeg er gjør jeg det - men det blir vel ikke førsteprioritet. Lediggang og latskap er førsteprioritet - men et par strikkeprosjekter er selvsagt pakket!
And now... Some tiny photos of my whereabouts for the next couple of weeks! If I get the chance to blog from there I will - but my priorities will be idleness and lazyness (my luggage would not be complete unless it contained a couple of knitting projects though, and of course my luggage is complete!)
For å få rette kanter tråklet jeg bommullsgarn gjennom hver maskebue
The cotton yarn is to keep the edges straight
Still life with ironing board and wood basket! The blocking certainly does not occupy floor or bed space this way, but I am afraid this was the only benefit using yhe ironing board as a blocking board. It was impossible to tighten the cotton strands enough and to make the pins stay put because of the boards thin padding. The result is fine. I´m not sure if it is worth the struggle though... The next scarf will recieve my special steam treatment/cheatment. Then I can compare ("one have to compare!!!" from the movie My Life as a Dog by Lasse Hallström)
Here it is in allits glory with some added gleaming too!
Så noen glimt fra tirsdagens besøk på Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium. En annen gang er det mulig jeg skriver mer om det som var hovedsaken der nede - men her og nå er jeg bare opptatt av det overfladiske og vakre ;o)
Then a few glimpses from my visit at Vestfossen Art Laboritory. Maybe some day I´ll write about the art but right now all I want to deal with is the superficial and the beautiful ;o)
En borddekorasjon - a table decoration
Matcing colours; princess´feet wearing princess´socks