I dag har jeg hatt en flott solskinnsdag med Den gode feen, små prinser og prinsesser! Tusen takk for fine timer i parken :o) Ellers må jeg bare si at mye vil ha mer - dette er en absolutt sanhet når det gjelder garn! I dag har jeg virkelig boltret meg på pinnsvin Design, og her er fangsten... This has been such a wonderful day! I spent a few hours in a park witth Den gode feen, little princes and princesses. Thank you all for a very good time :o) Just a few days ago I went yarnshopping with Supernøtt (well documented in earlier entries). It was so much fun! Today has proven the well known fact that as soon as you lay your hands on something nice, you want more! I found myself drooling over all the goodies at the great yarn shop Pinnsvin design. And I did get myself some more...
There will be more socks in the near future! Regia socks that is.
Silk merino for a shawl...? Maybe finally a FBS even for me...
A beautiful skein for something small and cozy. 100% wool called Maya from Debbie Bliss
100% silk from Debbie Bliss for something 100% beautiful
A single ball of Kidsilk Haze to combine with another ball of laceweight that I got from a generous Secret Pal a couple of months ago
Maybe a dishcloth will materialize out of this Anchor cotton?
Will these triplets turn into a boyish scarf? Cotton Denim Aran from Debbie Bliss
Another cutie from Debbie Bliss

2 kommentarer:
Tusen takk skal du også ha, det var kjempekoseleg! Eg gløymte å fortelle deg ein ting: eg har aldri vore innom Pinnsvin design!!! Venter til eg har vunne i lotto, trur eg :o)Dog fristar din fantastiske fangst meg såpassa at eg tviler på om eg får sove i natt....Stor klem
Du verden så flott garn du har kjøpt deg; akkurat mine farger :-)
Masse fint å se på her!!! God strikking!
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