
Utrolig nydelig håndlaget og håndtrykket papir! Kan nesten forveksles med silkebrokade... sukk! Så vakkert!
Look at this incredibly beautiful handmade and handprinted paper! It could almost be mistaken for silk brocade...

Utrolig nydelig håndlaget og håndtrykket papir! Kan nesten forveksles med silkebrokade... sukk! Så vakkert!
Look at this incredibly beautiful handmade and handprinted paper! It could almost be mistaken for silk brocade...
Han liker det faktisk så godt at han ikke vil dele med noen! Han vokter dette garnet - og det som strikkes av det - med et av sine ni liv!
He guards the yarn and what it´s turning into it with one of his nine lives
...som endelig kan krølle seg sammen i sin nye seng! Bildet er ikke så flatterende verken for senga eller katten, men Gimli maler og koser seg! Senga skulle egentlig være (og forbli) rund, men former seg etter katten.
...who can finally curl up in the new cozy bed! The picture is not too flattering neither for the cat nor the bed, but Gimli is purring happily away! The bed was supposed to be and stay circular, but it is flexible so it takes shape from however the cat lays down.
Gimli is a true fan of knitting... and yarn in general. He is always an eager assistant when I am working on my projects. Finally he will now play the leading part in a BIG knitting drama! I was helpfully guided by my friends Hobbyboden
Tja, hva blir det neste nå, tro? I teorien lover det godt for alle UFO´er at jeg - til og med med en viss suksess - er ferdig med Cirkeline. Men dette er altså bare en teori; ikke en gang en særlig god en. Absolutt ikke en sannsynlig teori! Det er mye mer sannsynlig at jeg kommer til å starte på en katteseng til Gimli, flere julegaver og kanskje et skjerf eller sjal til meg selv av denne Hemmelig venn- gaven:
Then, what´s next? Well... in theory all my UFO´s will benefit from me finishing - with some degree of success, even - Cirkeline. But this is just a theory, and not even a good one. Absolutely not a probable one! It´s much more likely I will start a cat bed for Gimli, keep making christmas gifts and even start a shawl or scarf for my self, using this great Secret pal gift:
Det har forresten vært påfallende lite strikkeinnhold her i det siste - men det strikkes da fortsatt. Jeg har satt en frist til lørdag på denne saken til en småtting - for småttinger forblir som kjent ikke små så veldig lenge! Her er et bilde av forstykket, som snart er ferdig (ermene blir antagelig i striper eller ensfargede, så de strikker jeg kjapt - har jeg tenkt!) Nedenfor viser jeg bakstykket en gang til... så man kan se at fargevariasjonene er forskjellige på de to. Satser på at det hele ser bedre ut etter blokking/damping - det pleier jo å hjelpe.
The knitting content of blog this has not been impressive lately. I still knit though. My deadline for the yellow project for someone small is Saturday - because the small ones tend to stay small only for a very short period of time! Here is the front piece. The arms will be stripy or maybe only one solid colour, so they will knit up fast - I hope! In case you have forgotten what the back piece looks like, here it is once again... You can see the colour combinatioins varies between the two. Yet again I take comfort in the thought of the magic blocking can do to a piece of knitwork!
If you look closely you can find ornaments everywhere, both natural ones and man made
We saw surprisingly few cats, and not a single stray cat (unlike in Greece). The ones we saw were all beautiful and well groomed :o)
Ornaments, exciting forms, patterns... I catch them, save them and am inspired by them (this is rows of plastic seats and their shadow on a passenger boat)
This is NOT a momenth of truth; I have NOT started smoking... The sigarette is meant as a measure of the size of this creature. It was sitting on the balcony table (how rude is that???). I am not sure what kind of insect this is. Or maybe it´s just a runaway statist/fill in from a sci-fi-thriller location.
Window grid. Not exactely dull looking! The National Bank in Sollér.
Another shot from the boat, just because composing is so much fun!
Den neste billedserien er fra et stilig design-hotel i Porto de Sollér. Jeg er fristet til å late som at vi faktisk bodde der, men det nærmeste vi kom var å drikke White Russian i den mildt sagt lekre salongen. Det var så vidt vi hadde råd til å komme oss ut derifra, for å si det sånn. Og det var ikke fordi drinkene var mange ;o)
The next series of pictures are all from the same, fancy design-hotel in Porto de Sollér. I am tempted to pretend that we actually stayed there... It was C.O.O.L! The closest we got to staying there was spending 30 minutes in the lounge with two White Russians (...the drink!). Let me put it this way: We could barely afford to leave the place. And this was not because the drinks were numerous ;o)
Særdeles kul, orange sofa (i øyeblikket uten to White Russian-drikkende, ikke så veldig velstående turister)
Extravagant Orange Sofa (at the moment NOT holding two wannabe-cool-and-rich people drinking White Russians)